PUT /api/v1/classrooms/slots/{classroomSlotId}

Update a Classroom slot.

Query body

namestringYesTitle of the slot.
startDatestringYesStart date of the slot. It must be before the end date of the slot, and between the start and end dates of the program session. Expressed in ISO 8601 — example: 2022-05-16T22:00:00.000Z.
endDatestringYesStart date of the slot. Must be after the start date of the slot, and between the start and end dates of the program session. Expressed in ISO 8601 — example: 2022-05-16T22:00:00.000Z.
virtualbooleanYesSet to true when the slot is a virtual Classroom; set to false when the slot is an on-site Classroom.
locationstringYesWhere the slot will take place (can be a URL for a virtual classroom).
reportedDurationintegerYesReported duration of the slot, in hours.
timezonestringNoTime zone of the slot in the format Continent/Country (TZ database) — example: America/Indianapolis
trainersstring[]NoUser IDs of trainers in charge of the slot (users must exist in the company).
maxCapacityintegerNoMaximum number of registrations allowed in the slot. Learners won't be able to self-enroll on this slot if this number is reached.
messagestringNoAny additional message that should be shared with learners in the email notifications for this slot.


HTTP errormessagemeaning
404 NotFound"slot_not_found"
404 NotFoundtrainer_${trainerId}_not_found
404 NotFound"program_session_not_found"
404 NotFound"path_session_not_found"
400 BadRequest"Request validation failed: ${detailed message}"The request body is not valid
400 BadRequest"cannot_update_location_of_started_webinars"Once a slot with a meeting created with a webinar integration is started, it is not possible to update the location (url) of the meeting
400 BadRequest"invalid_classroom_slot_dates"Start date is greater than end date
400 BadRequest"classroom_slot_dates_not_within_session_dates"Start or end dates are not within the session dates


Path parameters

Name Type Required Description
classroomSlotId String Yes

Id of the classroom slot

Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

Query parameters

Name Type Required Description
company String No

(Optional) Include the company ID to authenticate calls via the API key as query parameter. For more information on the authentication methods supported by our API, see Authentication Methods.

apiKey String No

(Optional) Include the API key to authenticate calls via the API key as query parameter. For more information on the authentication methods supported by our API, see Authentication Methods.

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
endDate String No
reportedDuration Number No
name String No
maxCapacity Number No
location String No
virtual Boolean No
startDate String No
trainers[] Array No

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.