POST /api/v1/externalContents/groups/{groupId}/externalPlatforms/{externalPlatform}/courses

Import external contents from an external platform by batch to a specific 360Learning group.
Each piece of external content is linked to a given external platform, a given 360Learning author, and imported into a given group library.
When imported, each piece of external content creates a course in the 360Learning platform.

Request Body

Type: application/json

authorIdstringYesID of the 360Learning author who will be the owner of the imported content. This ID must exist in the platform. The user must be an author or an admin of the group where the external content is imported.
externalPlatformLogoUrlstringNoThe URL of the external platform's logo
externalCoursesArray of externalCourse objectsYesThe list of externalCourses to import
externalCourse object
externalIdstringYesID of the external course, as identified by the external provider
launchUrlstringYesURL to launch and play the external course from a web browser
mobileLaunchUrlstringNoURL to launch and play the external course from a mobile. If not specified, the launchUrl is used for mobile access.
thumbnailUrlstringNoURL of the image of the external course
titlestringYesTitle of the external course
descriptionstringNoDescription of the external course (can contain HTML formatting)
languagestringYesMain default language of the external course, using 360Learning language convention
alternativeLanguagesArray of stringNoList of other languages available for the external course, using 360Learning language convention
authorsArray of stringNoList of the authors of the external course
courseDurationnumberNoDuration of the external course (in minutes)
difficultyLevelstringNoThe level of difficulty of the external course: beginner, intermediate or advanced
contentTypestringNoThe type of the external course: article, audiobook, book, channel, course, curriculum, mooc, podcast, specialization, video. Default value is course.
numberOfVideosnumberNoThe number of videos / activities in the external course
sourcesArray of source objectsNoList of sources of the external course
subjectsArray of stringNoList of subjects of the external course
skillsArray of stringNoList of IDs of skills the external course refers to. These skills must exist in the platform.
Source object
namestringYesName of a source of the external course
logostringNoURL of the source's logo


Returns the status for each externalCourse imported and a global status report:


Path parameters

Name Type Required Description
externalPlatform String Yes

Name of the external platform to which the external content is attached

groupId String Yes

ID of the group where external contents were imported

Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

Query parameters

Name Type Required Description
company String No

(Optional) Include the company ID to authenticate calls via the API key as query parameter. For more information on the authentication methods supported by our API, see Authentication Methods.

apiKey String No

(Optional) Include the API key to authenticate calls via the API key as query parameter. For more information on the authentication methods supported by our API, see Authentication Methods.

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
authorId String No
externalPlatformLogoUrl String No
externalCourses[] Array No
externalCourses[].description String No
externalCourses[].thumbnailUrl String No
externalCourses[].skills[] Array No
externalCourses[].contentType String No
externalCourses[].alternativeLanguages[] Array No
externalCourses[].authors[] Array No
externalCourses[].mobileLaunchUrl String No
externalCourses[].numberOfVideos Number No
externalCourses[].difficultyLevel String No
externalCourses[].sources[] Array No
externalCourses[].sources[].logo String No
externalCourses[].sources[].name String No
externalCourses[].launchUrl String No
externalCourses[].externalId String No
externalCourses[].title String No
externalCourses[].subjects[] Array No
externalCourses[].courseDuration Number No
externalCourses[].language String No

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.