POST /uploadDocument

Uploads a document for an account holder. Adyen uses the documents during the verification process.


Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
documentDetail Object Yes

Details of the document being submitted.

documentDetail.description String No

Description of the document.

documentDetail.filename String No

Filename of the document.

documentDetail.documentType String Yes

The type of the document. Refer to Verification checks for details on when each document type should be submitted and for the accepted file formats.

Permitted values:

  • BANK_STATEMENT: A file containing a bank statement or other document proving ownership of a specific bank account.
  • COMPANY_REGISTRATION_SCREENING (Supported from v5 and later): A file containing a company registration document.
  • CONSTITUTIONAL_DOCUMENT: A file containing information about the account holder's legal arrangement.
  • PASSPORT: A file containing the identity page(s) of a passport.
  • ID_CARD_FRONT: A file containing only the front of the ID card. In order for a document to be usable, both the ID_CARD_FRONT and ID_CARD_BACK must be submitted.
  • ID_CARD_BACK: A file containing only the back of the ID card. In order for a document to be usable, both the ID_CARD_FRONT and ID_CARD_BACK must be submitted.
  • DRIVING_LICENCE_FRONT: A file containing only the front of the driving licence. In order for a document to be usable, both the DRIVING_LICENCE_FRONT and DRIVING_LICENCE_BACK must be submitted.
  • DRIVING_LICENCE_BACK: A file containing only the back of the driving licence. In order for a document to be usable, both the DRIVING_LICENCE_FRONT and DRIVING_LICENCE_FRONT must be submitted.

Possible values:

  • "ID_CARD"
  • "SSN"
  • "BSN"
documentDetail.legalArrangementEntityCode String No

The Adyen-generated legalArrangementEntityCode to which the document must be linked.

documentDetail.legalArrangementCode String No

The Adyen-generated legalArrangementCode to which the document must be linked.

documentDetail.shareholderCode String No

The Adyen-generated shareholderCode to which the document must be linked. Refer to Verification checks for details on when a document should be submitted.

Required if the account holder has a legalEntity of type Business and the documentType is either PASSPORT, ID_CARD_FRONT, ID_CARD_BACK, DRIVING_LICENCE_FRONT, or DRIVING_LICENCE_BACK.

documentDetail.bankAccountUUID String No

The Adyen-generated bankAccountUUID to which the document must be linked. Refer to Bank account check for details on when a document should be submitted.

Required if the documentType is BANK_STATEMENT, where a document is being submitted in order to verify a bank account.

documentDetail.accountHolderCode String No

The code of account holder, to which the document applies.

documentDetail.signatoryCode String No

The Adyen-generated signatoryCode to which the document must be linked.

documentContent String Yes

The content of the document, in Base64-encoded string format.

To learn about document requirements, refer to Verification checks.

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.