POST /balanceinquiry

It conveys Information related to the account for which a Balance Inquiry is requested. Content of the Balance Inquiry Request message.


Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
LoyaltyAccountReq Object No

Data related to a requested Loyalty program or account.

LoyaltyAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference Object No

Identification of the transaction by the host in charge of the stored value transaction. If provided by the Host.

LoyaltyAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference.TimeStamp String Yes

Date and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer. Ensures the uniqueness of a transaction and indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.

LoyaltyAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference.TransactionID String Yes

Unique identification of a transaction to identify the transaction on the Sale System (e.g. ticket number), or the POI System.

LoyaltyAccountReq.LoyaltyAccountID Object No

Identification of a Loyalty account. In the Payment or the Loyalty Request message, it allows to identify the loyalty account by the Sale Terminal instead of the POI Terminal (e.g. because the account identification is a bar-code read by the Cashier on a scanner device).

LoyaltyAccountReq.LoyaltyAccountID.IdentificationSupport String No

Support of the loyalty account identification. Allows knowing where and how you have found the loyalty account identification. Possible values:

  • HybridCard
  • LinkedCard
  • LoyaltyCard
  • NoCard

Possible values:

  • "LoyaltyCard"
  • "NoCard"
  • "HybridCard"
  • "LinkedCard"
LoyaltyAccountReq.LoyaltyAccountID.LoyaltyID String Yes

Loyalty account identification conforming to the IdentificationType.

LoyaltyAccountReq.LoyaltyAccountID.EntryMode[] Array Yes

Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Response messages, it informs the Sale System the entry mode of the payment instrument. Possible values:

  • Contactless
  • File
  • ICC
  • Keyed
  • MagStripe
  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • RFID
  • Scanned
  • SynchronousICC
  • Tapped
LoyaltyAccountReq.LoyaltyAccountID.IdentificationType String Yes

Type of account identification. In a request message, it informs the POI System the type of the account or card identification, when provided by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the card information is a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). In a response message, it informs the Sale System the type of the account or card identification. Possible values:

  • AccountNumber
  • BarCode
  • ISOTrack2
  • PAN
  • PhoneNumber

Possible values:

  • "PAN"
  • "AccountNumber"
  • "BarCode"
  • "PhoneNumber"
  • "ISOTrack2"
PaymentAccountReq Object No

Data related to the account pointed by the payment card.

PaymentAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference Object No

Identification of the transaction by the host in charge of the stored value transaction. If provided by the Host.

PaymentAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference.TimeStamp String Yes

Date and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer. Ensures the uniqueness of a transaction and indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.

PaymentAccountReq.CardAcquisitionReference.TransactionID String Yes

Unique identification of a transaction to identify the transaction on the Sale System (e.g. ticket number), or the POI System.

PaymentAccountReq.AccountType String No

Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Allows a cardholder to select the type of account used for the transaction. Possible values:

  • CardTotals
  • Checking
  • CreditCard
  • Default
  • EpurseCard
  • Investment
  • Savings
  • Universal

Possible values:

  • "Investment"
  • "Savings"
  • "Universal"
  • "Checking"
  • "EpurseCard"
  • "CardTotals"
  • "Default"
  • "CreditCard"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData Object No

Data related to the instrument of payment for the transaction. Sent in the result of the payment transaction. For a card, it could also be sent in the CardAcquisition response, to be processed by the Sale System.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.PaymentInstrumentType String Yes

Type of payment instrument. Possible values:

  • Card
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Mobile
  • StoredValue

Possible values:

  • "Card"
  • "StoredValue"
  • "Mobile"
  • "Check"
  • "Cash"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.ProtectedCardData String No

Sensitive information related to the payment card, protected by CMS. SensitiveCardData protected by CMS EnvelopedData.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID Object No

Identification of the stored value account or the stored value card and the associated product sold by the Sale System for stored value requests.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.StoredValueProvider String No

Identification of the provider of the stored value account load/reload. When the ProductCode is not sufficient to identify the provider host which delivers the load or reload of the stored value account (for example if it contains the identification of the application.)

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.ExpiryDate Integer No

Date after which the card cannot be used. If EMV expiry date is present, it overrides Track2 information. Format is MMYY.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.EntryMode[] Array Yes

Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty, or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the payment instrument information are a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). Possible values:

  • Contactless
  • File
  • ICC
  • Keyed
  • MagStripe
  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • RFID
  • Scanned
  • SynchronousICC
  • Tapped
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.StoredValueAccountType String Yes

Type of stored value account. Allows the distinction of the stored value instrument to access the stored value account. Possible values:

  • GiftCard
  • Other
  • PhoneCard

Possible values:

  • "PhoneCard"
  • "GiftCard"
  • "Other"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.IdentificationType String Yes

Type of account identification. In a request message, it informs the POI System the type of the account or card identification, when provided by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the card information is a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). In a response message, it informs the Sale System the type of the account or card identification. Possible values:

  • AccountNumber
  • BarCode
  • ISOTrack2
  • PAN
  • PhoneNumber

Possible values:

  • "PAN"
  • "AccountNumber"
  • "BarCode"
  • "PhoneNumber"
  • "ISOTrack2"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.StoredValueID String Yes

Stored value account identification. The identification of the stored value account conforming to the IdentificationType.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.StoredValueAccountID.OwnerName String No

Name of the owner of a stored value account.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData Object No

Information related to the payment card used for the transaction. If PaymentInstrumentType is Card.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProductCode[] Array No

Product codes that are payable by the payment card. If not all the products are accepted for the payment card proposed by the Customer. In this case, Result is failure, ErrorCondition is Payment Restriction. For One Time Reservation, the POI can send product codes payable by the payment, even if the POI did not send SaleItem in the request. If at least one product sent in the request is accepted, the Result is Success. Product codes that are payable by the payment card. If all the products are not accepted for the payment card proposed by the Customer. In this case, Result is failure and ErrorCondition is Payment Restriction. For One Time Reservation, the POI can send product codes payable by the payment, even if the POI did not send SaleItem in the request. If at least one product sent in the request is accepted, the Result is Success.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.ProtectedCardData String No

Sensitive information related to the payment card, protected by CMS. SensitiveCardData protected by CMS EnvelopedData.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[] Array No

Customer order attached to a customer, recorded in the POI system. Allows the management of customer orders by the POI, for instance in a multi-channel or a click and collect sale transaction.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].Currency String No

Currency of a monetary amount.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].StartDate String Yes

Date time of the beginning of an operation.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].SaleReferenceID String Yes

Identification of a Sale global transaction for a sequence of related POI transactions. Identification of a reservation transaction for the sequence of reservation and the completion.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].AccessedBy String No

Identification of an entity accessing data to perform an operation. Allow the synchronisation of customer order processing, when several parts of the Sale System access a customer order at the same time. The Sale entity active on the customer order is identified by this data.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].EndDate String No

Date time of the end of an operation.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].CurrentAmount Number Yes

Total amount of all completed transactions of a customer order.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].ForecastedAmount Number Yes

Depending on the choice of the sale system it could equal the initial amount of the order or the global amount of the order. If ForecastedAmount equals the initial amount of the order it will allow the system to follow any additional payment. In case of equality with the global amount of the order, the system will then be able to follow remaining amounts.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].CustomerOrderID String No

Additional and optional identification of a customer order.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].OpenOrderState Boolean No

Specifies if a customer order is currently Open. An open customer order is an order waiting for further operations.

Default value: true

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CustomerOrder[].AdditionalInformation String No

Unqualified information.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentBrand String No

Type of payment card. If card PAN is readable. Indicates the card used to pay in the PaymentResponse. Sent in the CardAcquisitionResponse, to leave the Cashier to choose between several applications in a smartcard, or several brand in a co-branded card. In this case, the CardAcquisitionRequest.ForceCustomerSelectionFlag must contain the value False. Brands are part of the POI and Sale Systems configurations.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentAccountRef String No

Reference of the PAN, which identifies the PAN or the card uniquely, named also PAR (Payment Account Reference). This reference may be defined by the card issuer or by a token service provider under the control of the card issuer, and cannot be used for a payment transaction.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData Object No

Sensitive information related to the payment card, entered or read by the Sale System. If structure non empty and unprotected.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.TrackData[] Array No

Magnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. If EntryMode is MagStripe or RFID .

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.TrackData[].TrackNumb Integer No

Card track number.

Default value: 2

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.TrackData[].TrackFormat String No

Card track format. Possible values:

  • ISO

Possible values:

  • "AAMVA"
  • "ISO"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.TrackData[].TrackValue String Yes

Card track content.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.PAN Integer No

Primary Account Number.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.ExpiryDate Integer No

Date after which the card cannot be used. If EntryMode is File.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.SensitiveCardData.CardSeqNumb Integer No

Card Sequence Number. If EntryMode is File, Keyed, or Manual.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.EntryMode[] Array No

Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Response messages, it informs the Sale System the entry mode of the payment instrument. Possible values:

  • Contactless
  • File
  • ICC
  • Keyed
  • MagStripe
  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • RFID
  • Scanned
  • SynchronousICC
  • Tapped
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentToken Object No

Surrogate of the PAN (Primary Account Number) of the payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to identify the customer. Restriction of product payable by a card.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentToken.ExpiryDateTime String No

Expiry date and time. Limits the validity of a payment token.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentToken.TokenValue String Yes

Payment token replacing the PAN of the payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.PaymentToken.TokenRequestedType String Yes

Type of token replacing the PAN of a payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to use a token for a transaction only or for a longer period. Possible values:

  • Customer
  • Transaction

Possible values:

  • "Customer"
  • "Transaction"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.CardCountryCode Integer No

Country Code attached to the card (3 numerics). If available in the card.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProduct[] Array No

Product that is payable by the payment card.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProduct[].EanUpc Integer No

Standard product code of item purchased with the transaction.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProduct[].ProductLabel String No

Product name of an item purchased with the transaction.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProduct[].ProductCode Integer Yes

Product code of item purchased with the transaction.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.AllowedProduct[].AdditionalProductInfo String No

Additionl information related to the line item.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CardData.MaskedPan String No

Masked Primary Account Number Part of the PAN is replaced by a string of * characters, to identify a customer account or relationship. Presence of this data element, which replace the PAN when SensitiveCardData is protected and replaced by ProtectedCardData. Alternatively the MaskedPAN can be used as a token to identify a customer.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData Object No

Information related to the paper check used for the transaction. If PaymentInstrumentType is Check.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.TrackData Object No

Magnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. Mandatory if CheckNumber absent.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.TrackData.TrackNumb Integer No

Card track number.

Default value: 2

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.TrackData.TrackFormat String No

Card track format. Possible values:

  • ISO

Possible values:

  • "AAMVA"
  • "ISO"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.TrackData.TrackValue String Yes

Card track content.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.AccountNumber String No

Identification of the customer account. Mandatory if TrackData absent.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.Country String No

Country of the bank check. Absent if country of the Sale system.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.BankID String No

Identification of the bank. Mandatory if TrackData absent.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.CheckNumber String No

Identification of the bank check. Mandatory if TrackData absent.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.CheckCardNumber String No

Check guarantee card number. If provided by the customer.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.CheckData.TypeCode String No

Type of bank check. Possible values:

  • Company
  • Personal

Possible values:

  • "Company"
  • "Personal"
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData Object No

Information related to the mobile for the payment transaction. If PaymentInstrumentType is Mobile.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.MaskedMSISDN Integer No

Masked Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network. If data available.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation Object No

Geographic location specified by geographic or UTM coordinates. If data available.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.GeographicCoordinates Object No
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.GeographicCoordinates.Longitude String Yes

Angular measurement of the distance of a location on the earth east or west of the Greenwich observatory.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.GeographicCoordinates.Latitude String Yes

Angular distance of a location on the earth south or north of the equator.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.UTMCoordinates Object No
PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.UTMCoordinates.UTMNorthward String Yes

Y-coordinate of the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.UTMCoordinates.UTMEastward String Yes

X-coordinate of the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.Geolocation.UTMCoordinates.UTMZone String Yes

UTM grid zone combination of the longitude zone (1 to 60) and the latitude band (C to X, excluding I and O).

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.ProtectedMobileData String No

Sensitive information related to the mobile phone, protected by CMS. SensitiveMobileData.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.MobileNetworkCode Integer No

Identifies the mobile phone operator inside a country. If data available.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.MobileCountryCode Integer No

Identifies the country of a mobile phone operator. If data available.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.SensitiveMobileData Object No

Sensitive information related to the mobile phone. If unprotected mobile data.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.SensitiveMobileData.MSISDN Integer Yes

Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network (i.e. mobile phone number of the SIM card). Country, National Destination Code, and Subscriber Number.

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.SensitiveMobileData.IMSI Integer No

International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Unique number associated with the mobile phone user, containing the Mobile Country Code (MCC), the Mobile Network Code (MNC), and the Mobile Identification Number (MSIN)

PaymentAccountReq.PaymentInstrumentData.MobileData.SensitiveMobileData.IMEI Integer No

International Mobile Equipment Identity. Unique number associated with the mobile phone device.

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.