GET /paid-pages


Query parameters

Name Type Required Description
where String No

The filter expression. The following column identifiers are recognized (this differs from the identifiers recognized by the select parameter).

ads_count: The number of unique ads with a page.
type: integer

ads_count_diff: The change in ads between your selected dates.
type: integer

ads_count_prev: The number of ads on the comparison date.
type: integer

type: integer nullable

cpc_prev: The CPC metric on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

description: The description of an ad as seen in search results.
type: string

description_prev: The description of an ad on the comparison date.
type: string

has_thumbnail: The position has a thumbnail.
type: boolean

has_thumbnail_prev: The position has a thumbnail on the comparison date.
type: boolean

has_video: The position has a video.
type: boolean

has_video_prev: The position has a video on the comparison date.
type: boolean

keyword: The keyword your target ranks for.
type: string

keyword_difficulty (10 units): An estimation of how hard it is to rank in the top 10 organic search results for a keyword on a 100-point scale.
type: integer nullable

keyword_difficulty_prev (10 units): The keyword difficulty on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

keyword_prev: The keyword your target ranks for on the comparison date.
type: string

keywords: The total number of keywords that your target ranks for in paid search results.
type: integer

keywords_diff: The change in keywords between your selected dates.
type: integer

keywords_diff_percent: The change in keywords between your selected dates, in percents.
type: integer

keywords_merged: The total number of keywords optimized for sorting.
type: integer

keywords_prev: The keyword your target ranks for on the comparison date.
type: integer

position: The position your target ranks for in the paid search results for a keyword.
type: integer

position_kind: The kind of a position: organic, paid or a SERP feature. This applies to all positions for a given keyword and URL before picking the top position.
type: string
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion"

position_kind_prev: The kind of a position on the comparison date.
type: string
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion"

position_prev: The position of your target for a given keyword on the comparison date.
type: integer

raw_url: The ranking page URL in encoded format.
type: string

raw_url_prev: The ranking page URL on the comparison date in encoded format.
type: string

type: array(string)
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion" "image_th" "video_th"

serp_features_prev: The SERP features on the comparison date.
type: array(string)
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion" "image_th" "video_th"

status: The status of a page: the new page that just started to rank in paid results ("left"), the lost page that disappeared from paid results ("right"), or no change ("both").
type: string
enum: "left" "right" "both"

sum_traffic (10 units): An estimation of the monthly paid search traffic that a page gets from all the keywords that it ranks for.
type: integer nullable

sum_traffic_merged (10 units): The paid traffic field optimized for sorting.
type: integer

sum_traffic_prev (10 units): The paid traffic on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

title: The title of an ad as seen in search results.
type: string

title_prev: The title of an ad on the comparison date.
type: string

top_keyword: The keyword that brings the most paid traffic to a page.
type: string nullable

top_keyword_best_position: The ranking position that a page holds for its top keyword.
type: integer nullable

top_keyword_best_position_diff: The change in the top position between your selected dates.
type: integer nullable

top_keyword_best_position_kind: The kind of the top position: organic, paid or a SERP feature.
type: string nullable
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion"

top_keyword_best_position_kind_prev: The kind of the top position on the comparison date.
type: string nullable
enum: "paid_top" "paid_bottom" "paid_right" "paid_sitelink" "organic" "sitelink" "snippet" "image" "article" "knowledge_card" "knowledge_panel" "local_pack" "local_teaser" "news" "question" "review" "shopping" "tweet" "spelling" "video" "discussion"

top_keyword_best_position_prev: The top position on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

top_keyword_best_position_title: The title displayed for the page in its top keyword's SERP.
type: string nullable

top_keyword_best_position_title_prev: The title displayed for the page in its top keyword's SERP on the comparison date.
type: string nullable

top_keyword_country: The country in which a page ranks for its top keyword.
type: string nullable
enum: "AD" "AE" "AF" "AG" "AI" "AL" "AM" "AO" "AQ" "AR" "AS" "AT" "AU" "AW" "AX" "AZ" "BA" "BB" "BD" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BL" "BM" "BN" "BO" "BQ" "BR" "BS" "BT" "BV" "BW" "BY" "BZ" "CA" "CC" "CD" "CF" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CK" "CL" "CM" "CN" "CO" "CR" "CU" "CV" "CW" "CX" "CY" "CZ" "DE" "DJ" "DK" "DM" "DO" "DZ" "EC" "EE" "EG" "EH" "ER" "ES" "ET" "FI" "FJ" "FK" "FM" "FO" "FR" "GA" "GB" "GD" "GE" "GF" "GG" "GH" "GI" "GL" "GM" "GN" "GP" "GQ" "GR" "GS" "GT" "GU" "GW" "GY" "HK" "HM" "HN" "HR" "HT" "HU" "ID" "IE" "IL" "IM" "IN" "IO" "IQ" "IR" "IS" "IT" "JE" "JM" "JO" "JP" "KE" "KG" "KH" "KI" "KM" "KN" "KP" "KR" "KW" "KY" "KZ" "LA" "LB" "LC" "LI" "LK" "LR" "LS" "LT" "LU" "LV" "LY" "MA" "MC" "MD" "ME" "MF" "MG" "MH" "MK" "ML" "MM" "MN" "MO" "MP" "MQ" "MR" "MS" "MT" "MU" "MV" "MW" "MX" "MY" "MZ" "NA" "NC" "NE" "NF" "NG" "NI" "NL" "NO" "NP" "NR" "NU" "NZ" "OM" "OTHER" "PA" "PE" "PF" "PG" "PH" "PK" "PL" "PM" "PN" "PR" "PS" "PT" "PW" "PY" "QA" "RE" "RO" "RS" "RU" "RW" "SA" "SB" "SC" "SD" "SE" "SG" "SH" "SI" "SJ" "SK" "SL" "SM" "SN" "SO" "SR" "SS" "ST" "SV" "SX" "SY" "SZ" "TC" "TD" "TF" "TG" "TH" "TJ" "TK" "TL" "TM" "TN" "TO" "TR" "TT" "TV" "TW" "TZ" "UA" "UG" "UM" "US" "UY" "UZ" "VA" "VC" "VE" "VG" "VI" "VN" "VU" "WF" "WS" "YE" "YT" "ZA" "ZM" "ZW"

top_keyword_country_prev: The country in which a page ranks for its top keyword on the comparison date.
type: string nullable
enum: "AD" "AE" "AF" "AG" "AI" "AL" "AM" "AO" "AQ" "AR" "AS" "AT" "AU" "AW" "AX" "AZ" "BA" "BB" "BD" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BL" "BM" "BN" "BO" "BQ" "BR" "BS" "BT" "BV" "BW" "BY" "BZ" "CA" "CC" "CD" "CF" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CK" "CL" "CM" "CN" "CO" "CR" "CU" "CV" "CW" "CX" "CY" "CZ" "DE" "DJ" "DK" "DM" "DO" "DZ" "EC" "EE" "EG" "EH" "ER" "ES" "ET" "FI" "FJ" "FK" "FM" "FO" "FR" "GA" "GB" "GD" "GE" "GF" "GG" "GH" "GI" "GL" "GM" "GN" "GP" "GQ" "GR" "GS" "GT" "GU" "GW" "GY" "HK" "HM" "HN" "HR" "HT" "HU" "ID" "IE" "IL" "IM" "IN" "IO" "IQ" "IR" "IS" "IT" "JE" "JM" "JO" "JP" "KE" "KG" "KH" "KI" "KM" "KN" "KP" "KR" "KW" "KY" "KZ" "LA" "LB" "LC" "LI" "LK" "LR" "LS" "LT" "LU" "LV" "LY" "MA" "MC" "MD" "ME" "MF" "MG" "MH" "MK" "ML" "MM" "MN" "MO" "MP" "MQ" "MR" "MS" "MT" "MU" "MV" "MW" "MX" "MY" "MZ" "NA" "NC" "NE" "NF" "NG" "NI" "NL" "NO" "NP" "NR" "NU" "NZ" "OM" "OTHER" "PA" "PE" "PF" "PG" "PH" "PK" "PL" "PM" "PN" "PR" "PS" "PT" "PW" "PY" "QA" "RE" "RO" "RS" "RU" "RW" "SA" "SB" "SC" "SD" "SE" "SG" "SH" "SI" "SJ" "SK" "SL" "SM" "SN" "SO" "SR" "SS" "ST" "SV" "SX" "SY" "SZ" "TC" "TD" "TF" "TG" "TH" "TJ" "TK" "TL" "TM" "TN" "TO" "TR" "TT" "TV" "TW" "TZ" "UA" "UG" "UM" "US" "UY" "UZ" "VA" "VC" "VE" "VG" "VI" "VN" "VU" "WF" "WS" "YE" "YT" "ZA" "ZM" "ZW"

top_keyword_prev: The keyword that brings the most paid traffic to a page on the comparison date.
type: string nullable

top_keyword_volume (10 units): An estimation of the average monthly number of searches for the top keyword over the latest month or over the latest known 12 months of data depending on the "volume_mode" parameter.
type: integer nullable

top_keyword_volume_prev (10 units): The search volume on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

traffic (10 units): An estimation of the number of monthly visitors that your target gets from paid search for a keyword.
type: integer

traffic_diff: The change in traffic between your selected dates.
type: integer

traffic_diff_percent: The change in traffic between your selected dates, in percents.
type: integer

traffic_prev (10 units): The traffic from a keyword on the comparison date.
type: integer

url: The ranking page URL.
type: url nullable

url_prev: The ranking page URL on the comparison date.
type: url nullable

url_visual: The URL of an ad as seen in search results.
type: string

url_visual_prev: The URL of an ad on the comparison date.
type: string

value (10 units): The estimated cost of a page's monthly paid search traffic, in cents.
type: integer nullable

value_diff: The change in traffic value between your selected dates.
type: integer

value_diff_percent: The change in traffic value between your selected dates, in percents.
type: integer

value_merged (10 units): The traffic value field optimized for sorting.
type: integer nullable

value_prev (10 units): The traffic value on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

volume (10 units): An estimation of the number of searches for a keyword over the latest month.
type: integer nullable

volume_prev (10 units): The search volume on the comparison date.
type: integer nullable

words: The number of words in a keyword.
type: integer

words_prev: The number of words in a keyword on the comparison date.
type: integer

volume_mode String No

The search volume calculation mode: monthly or average. It affects volume, traffic, and traffic value.

Possible values:

  • "average"
  • "monthly"

Default value: "monthly"

protocol String No

The protocol of your target.

Possible values:

  • "both"
  • "http"
  • "https"

Default value: "both"

output String No

The output format.

Possible values:

  • "csv"
  • "json"
  • "xml"
  • "php"
mode String No

The scope of the search based on the target you entered.

Possible values:

  • "exact"
  • "domain"
  • "prefix"
  • "subdomains"

Default value: "subdomains"

date String Yes

A date to report metrics on in YYYY-MM-DD format.

select String Yes

A comma-separated list of columns to return. See response schema for valid column identifiers.

order_by String No

A column to order results by. See response schema for valid column identifiers.

limit Integer No

The number of results to return.

target String Yes

The target of the search: a domain or a URL.

timeout Integer No

A manual timeout duration in seconds.

date_compared String No

A date to compare metrics with in YYYY-MM-DD format.

country String No

A two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

Possible values:

  • "bo"
  • "am"
  • "ls"
  • "mu"
  • "jo"
  • "hk"
  • "im"
  • "gi"
  • "tr"
  • "md"
  • "lb"
  • "gy"
  • "cr"
  • "sa"
  • "mv"
  • "kr"
  • "lt"
  • "in"
  • "jp"
  • "ee"
  • "ca"
  • "ro"
  • "pk"
  • "ng"
  • "lc"
  • "me"
  • "vg"
  • "sb"
  • "td"
  • "ao"
  • "lu"
  • "mw"
  • "fi"
  • "eg"
  • "de"
  • "sr"
  • "tt"
  • "pl"
  • "br"
  • "sc"
  • "mx"
  • "nz"
  • "lv"
  • "za"
  • "gl"
  • "hn"
  • "fj"
  • "st"
  • "cd"
  • "ba"
  • "ni"
  • "mg"
  • "vi"
  • "ug"
  • "my"
  • "iq"
  • "gm"
  • "tw"
  • "uy"
  • "rs"
  • "bb"
  • "pn"
  • "cu"
  • "bs"
  • "qa"
  • "mz"
  • "gn"
  • "uz"
  • "sv"
  • "cf"
  • "bd"
  • "om"
  • "ke"
  • "tg"
  • "cv"
  • "bt"
  • "ar"
  • "se"
  • "ly"
  • "kw"
  • "is"
  • "fm"
  • "cg"
  • "ru"
  • "be"
  • "nl"
  • "th"
  • "as"
  • "it"
  • "gp"
  • "hr"
  • "dj"
  • "ch"
  • "tz"
  • "bf"
  • "ad"
  • "pr"
  • "li"
  • "mk"
  • "je"
  • "kg"
  • "dz"
  • "re"
  • "at"
  • "sg"
  • "pa"
  • "ky"
  • "fo"
  • "gq"
  • "dk"
  • "ci"
  • "rw"
  • "bg"
  • "ae"
  • "ps"
  • "no"
  • "ml"
  • "kh"
  • "id"
  • "yt"
  • "vn"
  • "cy"
  • "sh"
  • "bw"
  • "tj"
  • "au"
  • "kz"
  • "gr"
  • "ht"
  • "ye"
  • "bh"
  • "af"
  • "pt"
  • "mn"
  • "np"
  • "lk"
  • "mm"
  • "zw"
  • "ki"
  • "ie"
  • "ga"
  • "tk"
  • "cz"
  • "si"
  • "hu"
  • "dm"
  • "ck"
  • "bi"
  • "ag"
  • "gb"
  • "by"
  • "tl"
  • "aw"
  • "gt"
  • "fr"
  • "cl"
  • "bj"
  • "nr"
  • "ws"
  • "tm"
  • "bz"
  • "sk"
  • "pe"
  • "na"
  • "gu"
  • "do"
  • "cm"
  • "ai"
  • "mq"
  • "gd"
  • "sl"
  • "tn"
  • "pf"
  • "vc"
  • "cn"
  • "ua"
  • "mr"
  • "kn"
  • "ge"
  • "to"
  • "az"
  • "sm"
  • "pg"
  • "nc"
  • "ma"
  • "es"
  • "co"
  • "py"
  • "nu"
  • "ms"
  • "jm"
  • "gf"
  • "sn"
  • "ph"
  • "ve"
  • "et"
  • "bn"
  • "al"
  • "mt"
  • "il"
  • "gh"
  • "vu"
  • "gg"
  • "ec"
  • "us"
  • "so"
  • "ne"
  • "la"
  • "mc"
  • "zm"
offset Integer No

[Deprecates on 31 May 2024] Returned results will start from the row indicated in the offset value.

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.