PUT /1/indexes/{indexName}/settings
Update the specified index settings.
Index settings that you don't specify are left unchanged.
Specify null
to reset a setting to its default value.
For best performance, update the index settings before you add new records to your index.
- https://{appId}.algolia.net
- https://{appId}-1.algolianet.com
- https://{appId}-2.algolianet.com
- https://{appId}-3.algolianet.com
- https://{appId}-dsn.algolia.net
Path parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
indexName |
String | Yes |
Name of the index on which to perform the operation. |
Request headers
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Content-Type |
String | Yes |
The media type of the request body.
Default value: "application/json" |
Query parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
forwardToReplicas |
Boolean | No |
Whether changes are applied to replica indices. |
Request body fields
Name | Type | Required | Description |
allowTyposOnNumericTokens |
Boolean | No |
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query. Turn off this setting to reduce the number of irrelevant matches when searching in large sets of similar numbers. Default value: true |
attributesToTransliterate[] |
Array | No |
Attributes, for which you want to support Japanese transliteration. Transliteration supports searching in any of the Japanese writing systems. To support transliteration, you must set the indexing language to Japanese. Attribute names are case-sensitive. |
attributesToSnippet[] |
Array | No |
Attributes for which to enable snippets. Attribute names are case-sensitive. Snippets provide additional context to matched words.
If you enable snippets, they include 10 words, including the matched word.
The matched word will also be wrapped by HTML tags for highlighting.
You can adjust the number of words with the following notation: |
paginationLimitedTo |
Integer | No |
Maximum number of search results that can be obtained through pagination. Higher pagination limits might slow down your search. For pagination limits above 1,000, the sorting of results beyond the 1,000th hit can't be guaranteed. Default value: 1000 |
advancedSyntaxFeatures[] |
Array | No |
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
This setting only has an effect if Default value: [ "exactPhrase", "excludeWords" ] |
disableTypoToleranceOnWords[] |
Array | No |
Creates a list of words which require exact matches. This also turns off word splitting and concatenation for the specified words. |
hitsPerPage |
Integer | No |
Number of hits per page. Default value: 20 |
removeWordsIfNoResults |
String | No |
Strategy for removing words from the query when it doesn't return any results. This helps to avoid returning empty search results.
For more information, see Remove words to improve results. Possible values:
Default value: "none" |
customRanking[] |
Array | No |
Attributes to use as custom ranking. Attribute names are case-sensitive. The custom ranking attributes decide which items are shown first if the other ranking criteria are equal. Records with missing values for your selected custom ranking attributes are always sorted last. Boolean attributes are sorted based on their alphabetical order. Modifiers
If you use two or more custom ranking attributes, reduce the precision of your first attributes, or the other attributes will never be applied. |
removeStopWords |
Object | No |
Removes stop words from the search query. Stop words are common words like articles, conjunctions, prepositions, or pronouns that have little or no meaning on their own. In English, "the", "a", or "and" are stop words. You should only use this feature for the languages used in your index. |
keepDiacriticsOnCharacters |
String | No |
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved. By default, Algolia removes diacritics from letters.
For example, |
decompoundedAttributes |
Object | No |
Searchable attributes to which Algolia should apply word segmentation (decompounding). Attribute names are case-sensitive. Compound words are formed by combining two or more individual words, and are particularly prevalent in Germanic languages—for example, "firefighter". With decompounding, the individual components are indexed separately. You can specify different lists for different languages.
Decompounding is supported for these languages:
Dutch ( |
customNormalization |
Object | No |
Characters and their normalized replacements. This overrides Algolia's default normalization. |
relevancyStrictness |
Integer | No |
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results. You can only set Default value: 100 |
advancedSyntax |
Boolean | No |
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries. Use the Default value: false |
indexLanguages[] |
Array | No |
Languages for language-specific processing steps, such as word detection and dictionary settings. You should always specify an indexing language.
If you don't specify an indexing language, the search engine uses all supported languages,
or the languages you specified with the |
userData |
Object | No |
An object with custom data. You can store up to 32kB as custom data. |
reRankingApplyFilter |
Object | No | |
enablePersonalization |
Boolean | No |
Whether to enable Personalization. Default value: false |
camelCaseAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Attributes for which to split camel case words. Attribute names are case-sensitive. |
disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Attributes for which you want to turn off typo tolerance. Attribute names are case-sensitive. Returning only exact matches can help when:
Consider alternatives such as |
minWordSizefor1Typo |
Integer | No |
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with one typo. Default value: 4 |
optionalWords |
Object | No |
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query. By default, records must match all words in the search query to be included in the search results. Adding optional words can help to increase the number of search results by running an additional search query that doesn't include the optional words. For example, if the search query is "action video" and "video" is an optional word, the search engine runs two queries. One for "action video" and one for "action". Records that match all words are ranked higher. For a search query with 4 or more words and all its words are optional, the number of matched words required for a record to be included in the search results increases for every 1,000 records:
For more information, see Optional words. |
allowCompressionOfIntegerArray |
Boolean | No |
Whether arrays with exclusively non-negative integers should be compressed for better performance. If true, the compressed arrays may be reordered. Default value: false |
highlightPreTag |
String | No |
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets. Default value: "<em>" |
unretrievableAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Attributes that can't be retrieved at query time. This can be useful if you want to use an attribute for ranking or to restrict access, but don't want to include it in the search results. Attribute names are case-sensitive. |
mode |
String | No |
Search mode the index will use to query for results. This setting only applies to indices, for which Algolia enabled NeuralSearch for you. Possible values:
Default value: "keywordSearch" |
separatorsToIndex |
String | No |
Control which non-alphanumeric characters are indexed. By default, Algolia ignores non-alphanumeric characters like hyphen ( Separators are all non-letter characters except spaces and currency characters, such as $€£¥. With |
searchableAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Attributes used for searching. Attribute names are case-sensitive. By default, all attributes are searchable and the Attribute ranking criterion is turned off.
With a non-empty list, Algolia only returns results with matches in the selected attributes.
In addition, the Attribute ranking criterion is turned on: matches in attributes that are higher in the list of For more information, see Searchable attributes. Modifier
Without a modifier, matches at the beginning of an attribute rank higher than matches at the end. |
maxFacetHits |
Integer | No |
Maximum number of facet values to return when searching for facet values. Default value: 10 |
minWordSizefor2Typos |
Integer | No |
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with two typos. Default value: 8 |
enableRules |
Boolean | No |
Whether to enable rules. Default value: true |
attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity |
Boolean | No |
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity. This setting only affects ranking if the Attribute ranking criterion comes before Proximity in the Default value: false |
responseFields[] |
Array | No |
Properties to include in the API response of search and browse requests. By default, all response properties are included. To reduce the response size, you can select which properties should be included. An empty list may lead to an empty API response (except properties you can't exclude). You can't exclude these properties:
Your search depends on the Default value: [ "*" ] |
ignorePlurals |
Object | No |
Treat singular, plurals, and other forms of declensions as equivalent. You should only use this feature for the languages used in your index. |
renderingContent |
Object | No |
Extra data that can be used in the search UI. You can use this to control aspects of your search UI, such as the order of facet names and values without changing your frontend code. |
renderingContent.widgets |
Object | No |
Widgets returned from any rules that are applied to the current search. |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[] |
Array | No |
Banners defined in the Merchandising Studio for a given search. |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].image |
Object | No |
Image to show inside a banner. |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].image.title |
String | No | |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].image.urls[] |
Array | No | |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].image.urls[].url |
String | No | |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].link |
Object | No |
Link for a banner defined in the Merchandising Studio. |
renderingContent.widgets.banners[].link.url |
String | No | |
renderingContent.facetOrdering |
Object | No |
Order of facet names and facet values in your UI. |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.facets |
Object | No |
Order of facet names. |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.facets.order[] |
Array | No |
Explicit order of facets or facet values. This setting lets you always show specific facets or facet values at the top of the list. |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.values |
Object | No |
Order of facet values. One object for each facet. |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.values.name |
Object | No | |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.values.name.order[] |
Array | No |
Explicit order of facets or facet values. This setting lets you always show specific facets or facet values at the top of the list. |
renderingContent.facetOrdering.values.name.sortRemainingBy |
String | No |
Order of facet values that aren't explicitly positioned with the
Possible values:
renderingContent.facetOrdering.values.name.hide[] |
Array | No |
Hide facet values. |
renderingContent.redirect |
Object | No |
The redirect rule container. |
renderingContent.redirect.url |
String | No | |
exactOnSingleWordQuery |
String | No |
Determines how the Exact ranking criterion is computed when the search query has only one word.
Possible values:
Default value: "attribute" |
highlightPostTag |
String | No |
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets. Default value: "</em>" |
distinct |
Object | No |
Determines how many records of a group are included in the search results. Records with the same value for the The |
snippetEllipsisText |
String | No |
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated. Default value: "…" |
disableExactOnAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Searchable attributes for which you want to turn off the Exact ranking criterion. Attribute names are case-sensitive. This can be useful for attributes with long values, where the likelihood of an exact match is high, such as product descriptions. Turning off the Exact ranking criterion for these attributes favors exact matching on other attributes. This reduces the impact of individual attributes with a lot of content on ranking. |
sortFacetValuesBy |
String | No |
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
This setting doesn't influence how facet values are displayed in your UI (see Default value: "count" |
attributeForDistinct |
String | No |
Attribute that should be used to establish groups of results. Attribute names are case-sensitive. All records with the same value for this attribute are considered a group.
You can combine If you want to use the same attribute also for faceting, use the |
decompoundQuery |
Boolean | No |
Whether to split compound words in the query into their building blocks. For more information, see Word segmentation.
Word segmentation is supported for these languages: German, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian.
Decompounding doesn't work for words with non-spacing mark Unicode characters.
For example, Default value: true |
attributesForFaceting[] |
Array | No |
Attributes used for faceting. Facets are attributes that let you categorize search results. They can be used for filtering search results. By default, no attribute is used for faceting. Attribute names are case-sensitive. Modifiers
attributesToRetrieve[] |
Array | No |
Attributes to include in the API response. To reduce the size of your response, you can retrieve only some of the attributes. Attribute names are case-sensitive.
Default value: [ "*" ] |
alternativesAsExact[] |
Array | No |
Determine which plurals and synonyms should be considered an exact matches. By default, Algolia treats singular and plural forms of a word, and single-word synonyms, as exact matches when searching. For example:
Default value: [ "ignorePlurals", "singleWordSynonym" ] |
maxValuesPerFacet |
Integer | No |
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet. Default value: 100 |
queryType |
String | No |
Determines if and how query words are interpreted as prefixes. By default, only the last query word is treated as a prefix ( For more information, see Prefix searching. Possible values:
Default value: "prefixLast" |
typoTolerance |
Object | No |
Whether typo tolerance is enabled and how it is applied. If typo tolerance is true, |
replaceSynonymsInHighlight |
Boolean | No |
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym. By default, the original words are highlighted even if a synonym matches.
For example, with With Default value: false |
ranking[] |
Array | No |
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results. By default, each entry corresponds to a ranking criteria. The tie-breaking algorithm sequentially applies each criterion in the order they're specified. If you configure a replica index for sorting by an attribute, you put the sorting attribute at the top of the list. Modifiers
Before you modify the default setting, you should test your changes in the dashboard, and by A/B testing. Default value: [ "typo", "geo", "words", "filters", "proximity", "attribute", "exact", "custom" ] |
disablePrefixOnAttributes[] |
Array | No |
Searchable attributes for which you want to turn off prefix matching. Attribute names are case-sensitive. |
replicas[] |
Array | No |
Creates replica indices. Replicas are copies of a primary index with the same records but different settings, synonyms, or rules. If you want to offer a different ranking or sorting of your search results, you'll use replica indices. All index operations on a primary index are automatically forwarded to its replicas. To add a replica index, you must provide the complete set of replicas to this parameter. If you omit a replica from this list, the replica turns into a regular, standalone index that will no longer be synced with the primary index. Modifier
numericAttributesForFiltering[] |
Array | No |
Numeric attributes that can be used as numerical filters. Attribute names are case-sensitive. By default, all numeric attributes are available as numerical filters. For faster indexing, reduce the number of numeric attributes. To turn off filtering for all numeric attributes, specify an attribute that doesn't exist in your index, such as Modifier
attributesToHighlight[] |
Array | No |
Attributes to highlight. By default, all searchable attributes are highlighted.
Use With highlighting, strings that match the search query are surrounded by HTML tags defined by For more information, see Highlighting and snippeting. |
semanticSearch |
Object | No |
Settings for the semantic search part of NeuralSearch.
Only used when |
semanticSearch.eventSources |
No | ||
enableReRanking |
Boolean | No |
Whether this search will use Dynamic Re-Ranking. This setting only has an effect if you activated Dynamic Re-Ranking for this index in the Algolia dashboard. Default value: true |
queryLanguages[] |
Array | No |
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries. This setting sets a default list of languages used by the You should always specify a query language.
If you don't specify an indexing language, the search engine uses all supported languages,
or the languages you specified with the |
restrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays |
Boolean | No |
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query. By default, all items are highlighted and snippeted. Default value: false |
minProximity |
Integer | No |
Minimum proximity score for two matching words. This adjusts the Proximity ranking criterion by equally scoring matches that are farther apart. For example, if Default value: 1 |
How to start integrating
- Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
- Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
- This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
- Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.