
Variables play a crucial role in workflow executions within SimWorkflow. They serve as containers for storing information that can be utilized throughout the workflow process.

Here's how variables can be beneficial:

To define a workflow definition variable:

  1. Log in to the SimWorkflow.

  2. Navigate to Workflow definitions.

  3. For a specific workflow definition, select the Variables menu in the 3 dots dropdown menu.

  4. Define the variable.

From the Variable page, set up the following fields:




Variable key


The variable key, must be one line, with no spaces, using only letters, numbers, or _

Variable value


The value of the variable.

If the variable key already exists, the old value is replaced by the specified variable value.

To delete a workflow definition variable:

  1. Log in to the SimWorkflow.
  2. Navigate to Workflow definitions.
  3. For a specific workflow definition, select the Variables menu in the 3 dots dropdown menu.
  4. Select the Delete button of the variable to delete in the table.