Wait Task

Wait task is a system task that delays the process from continuing for a specified time.

There are several tabs available where you can configure a Wait task:

The configuration of the General, Input Parameters, and Routing tabs is similar to that of a user task. We discuss only the Configuration tab here.

Configuration tab

The Wait task must be configured with exactly one of:

From the Configuration tab, setup the following fields:




Wait for duration in seconds


Duration to wait for in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 30 seconds.

Wait for duration in seconds with JSONPath expression

JSONPath expression to lookup reference data for duration in seconds.

Wait until an absolute time

The future date time to wait until.

Wait until an absolute time with JSONPath expression

JSONPath expression to lookup reference data for a future date time.

The JSONPath expression must be inside a placeholder ${ }. To escape the expression, prefix it with an extra $ character, e.g. $${ }. See JSONPath for more information about JSONPath.

JSONata expression can also be used instead of JSONPath, prefix the expression with jsonata, e.g. ${jsonata: }. See JSONata for more information about JSONata.

To reference workflow input, use ${workflow.input}.

To reference task input and output, use ${<TASK_NAME>.input} and ${<TASK_NAME>.output} respectively.

Here are more examples of acceptable expressions: