PATCH /documents/{id}

Updates a document.

You can upload a maximum of 15 pages for photo IDs.


Path parameters

Name Type Required Description
id String Yes

The unique identifier of the document to be updated.

Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

x-requested-verification-code String No

Use the requested verification code 0_0001 to resolve any suberrors associated with the document. Requested verification codes can only be used in your test environment.

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
creationDate String No

The creation date of the document.

description String Yes

Your description for the document.

number String No

The number in the document.

expiryDate String No

The expiry date of the document, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

modificationDate String No

The modification date of the document.

attachment Object No

Object that contains the document.

attachment.pageType String No

Specifies which side of the ID card is uploaded.

  • When type is driversLicense or identityCard, set this to front or back.

  • When omitted, we infer the page number based on the order of attachments.

attachment.contentType String No

The file format.

Possible values: application/pdf, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png.

attachment.filename String No

The name of the file including the file extension.

attachment.pageName String No

The name of the file including the file extension.

attachment.content String Yes

The document in Base64-encoded string format.

id String No

The unique identifier of the document.

issuerState String No

The state or province where the document was issued (AU only).

attachments[] Array No

Array that contains the document. The array supports multiple attachments for uploading different sides or pages of a document.

attachments[].pageType String No

Specifies which side of the ID card is uploaded.

  • When type is driversLicense or identityCard, set this to front or back.

  • When omitted, we infer the page number based on the order of attachments.

attachments[].contentType String No

The file format.

Possible values: application/pdf, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png.

attachments[].filename String No

The name of the file including the file extension.

attachments[].pageName String No

The name of the file including the file extension.

attachments[].content String Yes

The document in Base64-encoded string format.

fileName String No

The filename of the document.

type String Yes

Type of document, used when providing an ID number or uploading a document. The possible values depend on the legal entity type.

  • For organization, the type values can be proofOfAddress, registrationDocument, vatDocument, proofOfOrganizationTaxInfo, proofOfOwnership, proofOfIndustry, proofOfSignatory, or proofOfFundingOrWealthSource.

  • For individual, the type values can be identityCard, driversLicense, passport, liveSelfie, proofOfNationalIdNumber, proofOfResidency, proofOfIndustry, proofOfIndividualTaxId, proofOfFundingOrWealthSource or proofOfRelationship.

  • For soleProprietorship, the type values can be constitutionalDocument, proofOfAddress, or proofOfIndustry.

  • For trust, the type value is constitutionalDocument.

  • For unincorporatedPartnership, the type value is constitutionalDocument.

  • Use bankStatement to upload documents for a transfer instrument.

Possible values:

  • "proofOfFundingOrWealthSource"
  • "passport"
  • "proofOfNationalIdNumber"
  • "vatDocument"
  • "proofOfIndividualTaxId"
  • "nationalIdNumber"
  • "proofOfSignatory"
  • "registrationDocument"
  • "constitutionalDocument"
  • "bankStatement"
  • "proofOfOrganizationTaxInfo"
  • "proofOfRelationship"
  • "driversLicense"
  • "liveSelfie"
  • "identityCard"
  • "proofOfOwnership"
  • "proofOfAddress"
  • "proofOfResidency"
  • "proofOfIndustry"
owner Object No

Contains information about the resource that owns the document. String Yes

Unique identifier of the resource that owns the document. For type legalEntity, this value is the unique identifier of the legal entity. For type bankAccount, this value is the unique identifier of the transfer instrument.

owner.type String Yes

Type of resource that owns the document.

Possible values: legalEntity, bankAccount.

issuerCountry String No

The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the document was issued. For example, US.

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.