Adyen Legal Entity Management
Delete a business line
Get a business line
Update a business line
Create a business line
Delete a document
Get a document
Update a document
Upload a document for verification checks
Get accepted Terms of Service document
Get all business lines under a legal entity
Check the status of consent for electronic delivery of tax forms
Check a legal entity's verification errors
Confirm data review
Get a legal entity
Get a link to an Adyen-hosted onboarding page
Update a legal entity
Generate PCI questionnaire
Get PCI questionnaire details
Get PCI questionnaire
Calculate PCI status of a legal entity
Sign PCI questionnaire
Set the consent status for electronic delivery of tax forms
Get Terms of Service document
Accept Terms of Service
Get Terms of Service information for a legal entity
Get Terms of Service status
Create a legal entity
Get a list of hosted onboarding page themes
Get an onboarding link theme
Delete a transfer instrument
Get a transfer instrument
Update a transfer instrument
Create a transfer instrument