Adyen Legal Entity Management
Delete a business line
Get a business line
Update a business line
Create a business line
Delete a document
Get a document
Update a document
Upload a document for verification checks
Get accepted Terms of Service document
Get all business lines under a legal entity
Check the status of consent for electronic delivery of tax forms
Check a legal entity's verification errors
Confirm data review
Get a legal entity
Get a link to an Adyen-hosted onboarding page
Update a legal entity
Generate PCI questionnaire
Get PCI questionnaire details
Get PCI questionnaire
Sign PCI questionnaire
Set the consent status for electronic delivery of tax forms
Get Terms of Service document
Accept Terms of Service
Get Terms of Service information for a legal entity
Get Terms of Service status
Create a legal entity
Get a list of hosted onboarding page themes
Get an onboarding link theme
Delete a transfer instrument
Get a transfer instrument
Update a transfer instrument
Create a transfer instrument