POST /merchants/{merchantId}/stores

Creates a store for the merchant account identified in the path.

To make this request, your API credential must have the following role:

In the live environment, requests to this endpoint are subject to rate limits.


Path parameters

Name Type Required Description
merchantId String Yes

The unique identifier of the merchant account.

Request headers

Name Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes The media type of the request body.

Default value: "application/json"

Request body fields

Name Type Required Description
businessLineIds[] Array No

The unique identifiers of the business lines that the store is associated with. If not specified, the business line of the merchant account is used. Required when there are multiple business lines under the merchant account.

splitConfiguration Object No

Rules for Adyen for Platforms merchants to split the transaction amount and fees.

splitConfiguration.splitConfigurationId String No

The unique identifier of the split configuration profile.

splitConfiguration.balanceAccountId String No

The unique identifier of the balance account to which the split amount must be booked, depending on the defined split logic.

description String Yes

Your description of the store.

phoneNumber String Yes

The phone number of the store, including '+' and country code in the E.164 format. If passed in a different format, we convert and validate the phone number against E.164.

shopperStatement String Yes

The store name to be shown on the shopper's bank or credit card statement and on the shopper receipt. Maximum length: 22 characters; can't be all numbers.

externalReferenceId String No

The unique identifier of the store, used by certain payment methods and tax authorities.

Required for CNPJ in Brazil, in the format 00.000.000/0000-00 separated by dots, slashes, hyphens, or without separators.

Optional for SIRET in France, up to 14 digits.

Optional for Zip in Australia, up to 50 digits.

reference String No

Your reference to recognize the store by. Also known as the store code. Allowed characters: lowercase and uppercase letters without diacritics, numbers 0 through 9, hyphen (-), and underscore (_).

If you do not provide a reference in your POST request, it is populated with the Adyen-generated id.

address Object Yes

The address of the store.

address.line2 String No

Second address line.

address.line1 String No

The street address.

address.postalCode String No

The postal code.

address.line3 String No

Third address line.

address.stateOrProvince String No

The state or province code as defined in ISO 3166-2. For example, ON for Ontario, Canada.

Required for the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • India
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • United States String Yes

The two-letter country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format. String No

The name of the city.

How to start integrating

  1. Add HTTP Task to your workflow definition.
  2. Search for the API you want to integrate with and click on the name.
    • This loads the API reference documentation and prepares the Http request settings.
  3. Click Test request to test run your request to the API and see the API's response.