Adyen Management
Get a list of Android apps
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Reprocess Android App
Upload Android App
Get a list of Android certificates
Upload Android Certificate
Get a list of allowed origins
Delete an allowed origin
Get an allowed origin
Create an allowed origin
Generate new API key
Generate new client key
Get an API credential
Update an API credential.
Get a list of API credentials
Create an API credential.
Get a list of billing entities
Get a company account
Get a list of merchant accounts
Get a list of shipping locations
Create a shipping location
Get terminal action
Get a list of terminal actions
Get the terminal logo
Update the terminal logo
Get a list of terminal models
Get a list of orders
Cancel an order
Get an order
Update an order
Create an order
Get a list of terminal products
Get terminal settings
Update terminal settings
Get a list of users
Create a new user
Get user details
Update user details
List all webhooks
Set up a webhook
Remove a webhook
Generate an HMAC key
Get a webhook
Update a webhook
Test a webhook
Get a list of company accounts
Get allowed origins
Remove allowed origin
Get allowed origin details
Add allowed origin
Generate a client key
Get API credential details
Get a list of merchant accounts
Request to activate a merchant account
Get a list of allowed origins
Delete an allowed origin
Get an allowed origin
Create an allowed origin
Generate new API key
Generate new client key
Get an API credential
Update an API credential
Get a list of API credentials
Create an API credential
Get a list of billing entities
Get a merchant account
Get all payment methods
Add an Apple Pay domain
Get payment method details
Get Apple Pay domains
Update a payment method
Request a payment method
Get a list of payout settings
Delete a payout setting
Get a payout setting
Update a payout setting
Add a payout setting
Get a list of shipping locations
Create a shipping location
Get a list of split configurations
Create a split configuration
Delete a split configuration
Get a split configuration
Update split configuration description
Delete a split configuration rule
Update split conditions
Get a list of stores
Create a store
Get the terminal logo
Update the terminal logo
Get terminal settings
Update terminal settings
Get a store
Update a store
Get the terminal logo
Update the terminal logo
Get a list of terminal models
Get a list of orders
Cancel an order
Get an order
Update an order
Create an order
Get a list of terminal products
Get terminal settings
Update terminal settings
Get a list of users
Create a new user
Get user details
Update a user
List all webhooks
Set up a webhook
Remove a webhook
Generate an HMAC key
Get a webhook
Update a webhook
Test a webhook
Create a merchant account
Get a list of stores
Create a store
Get a store
Update a store
Get the terminal logo
Update the terminal logo
Get terminal settings
Update terminal settings
Get a list of terminals
Create a terminal action
Reassign a terminal
Get the terminal logo
Update the logo
Get terminal settings
Update terminal settings